Super star wars,
Super star wars,

There was a trash compactor level that was deleted from the game due to memory constraints. However, this idea was abandoned, as it was thought to make the characters too cartoonish-looking. Originally, the game design was planned to give the characters a dark black outline around their bodies, similar to Ultima VIII: Pagan.

super star wars,

The end of the game has players reenacting Luke's Death Star trench run to destroy the Death Star, with Darth Vader confronting the player in his TIE Advanced x1. Luke can also wield a lightsaber after acquiring it from Obi Wan Kenobi. Most the stages consist of run and gun gameplay, with several different upgrades available to the standard blaster weapon. The game also features several vehicle-based levels in which the player takes control of an X-Wing or a landspeeder. Later stages allow the player to control smuggler and pilot Han Solo or Chewbacca the Wookiee. Brief cutscenes between levels tell an abbreviated version of the film's story.

super star wars,

For example, instead of simply buying C-3PO and R2-D2 from the Jawas, Luke Skywalker must fight his way to the top of a Jawa sandcrawler while leaping from a series of moving conveyor belts. Super Star Wars generally follows the plot of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, although some allowances were made to adapt the story to suit an action game.

Super star wars,